

LCODE 3D requires an NVIDIA GPU with CUDA support. CUDA Compute Capability 6+ is strongly recommended for accelerated atomic operations support.

On the Python front, it needs Python 3.6+ and the packages listed in requirements.txt:


Most of them are extremely popular and the only one that may be slightly problematic to obtain due to its ‘teen age’ is cupy.

Linux, distribution Python

All the dependencies, except for, probably, cupy, should be easily installable with your package manager.

Install NVIDIA drivers and CUDA packages according to your distribution documentation.

Install cupy according to the official installation guide, unless 5.1 or newer is already packaged by your distribution.

Linux, Anaconda

All dependencies, including cupy, are available from the official conda channels.

conda install cupy

or, if you are a miniconda user or a thorough kind of person,

while read req; do conda install --yes $req; done < requirements.txt

You probably still need to install NVIDIA drivers and CUDA packages, follow your distribution documentation.

Linux, NixOS


In case it’s not enough, consider either switching to NVIDIA driver, or simply adding

boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages;  # explicitly require stable kernel
boot.kernelModules = [ "nvidia-uvm" ];  # should bring just enough kernel support for CUDA userspace

to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and rebuilding the system.

Linux, locked-down environment

If want to, e.g., run LCODE 3D on a cluster without permissions to install software the proper way, please contact the administrator first and refer them to this page.

If you are sure about CUDA support and you absolutely want to install the dependencies yourself, then make sure you have Python 3.6+ and try to install cupy using the official installation guide. If you succeed, install all the other missing requirements with pip’s ‘User Installs’ feature. You mileage may vary. You’re responsible for the cleanup.

Windows, Anaconda

If cupy 5.1 or newer has already hit the channels, you’re in luck. Just conda install cupy, and you should be good to go.

If still shows ‘win-64’ at v4.1.0, please accept our condolences and proceed to the next subsection.

Windows, the hard way

  • Ensure that you have Python 3.6+.
  • Free up some 10 GiB of disk space or more.
  • Verify that you’re on good terms with the deity of your choice.
  • Install Visual Studio (Community Edition is fine) with C++ support.
  • Install NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit.
  • Follow the cupy installation guide.
  • Prefer installing precompiled packages, but you might also try installing from source.
  • Verify that it works by executing import cupy; (cupy.asarray([2])**2).get() in Python shell.
  • Install the other dependencies.

Known to work

As of early 2019, LCODE 3D is developed and known to work under:

  • NixOS 19.03 “Koi”
  • Debian 10 “Buster” + Anaconda 2019.03
  • Windows 10 1903 + Anaconda 2019.03